Home > Artworks > Camila Elisa Atria Álamos

Photo of Camila Elisa Atria Álamos Chile

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Born in Santiago de Chile on November 27, 1982. During his childhood living in different countries, including the United States and Argentina. College 2002-2005: Visual Arts at Universidad Finis Terrae, Mention painting. Santiago de Chile. 2005: Studies of recording (colografa) in The UNEAC Association of Plastic Arts, Havana, Cuba. 2006-2007: Graphic Design and Editorial, Inacap Technological University, Santiago de Chile....

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11.81 x 11.81 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
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Born in Santiago de Chile on November 27, 1982. During his childhood living in different countries, including the United States and Argentina. College 2002-2005: Visual Arts at Universidad Finis Terrae, Mention painting. Santiago de Chile. 2005: Studies of recording (colografa) in The UNEAC Association of Plastic Arts, Havana, Cuba. 2006-2007: Graphic Design and Editorial, Inacap Technological University, Santiago de Chile. 2008: Entitled as a graphic designer, Editorial Mention. Prizes / Awards: Second Place Corporate design contest Recoleta Dominica (2007) Part Time Work experience Librera Counterpoint (December 2005, 2006) Book Fair Stand Counterpoint (years 2004, 2005) participation as a design adores MaipCerrillos Hospital Project Unit (2007) Editorial Book Diagrammer Mediterranean (2006 to date) diagrammed book titles: Family Problems, Psychiatrist Concepts Shows / Exhibitions: Exhibition at the cultural center B `nai B` RITH (2005), Santiago de Chile. Collective exhibition Labyrinths of Love and Eroticism, Casona Nemesio Antunez (2006) (selected contest), Santiago de Chile. Maimai Exposition Foundation (2006), Santiago de Chile. Collective Exhibition 2005 Universidad Finis Terrae class, Santiago de Chile Corporate Design Competition Exhibition Recoleta Dominica, (2007) (selected contest), Santiago de Chile. Participation in the contest Showdown Competition web page London (2008) Installing Restoran work in Cienfuegos, Santiago de Chile, APRIL 2008 Exposition collective El Bosque, Cousio Palace, Santiago de Chile, APRIL 2008 exhibition No collective Sweet Desire, Santiago de Chile, September 2008

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